• Jon Tonks is an experienced photographer with over 15 years in the industry, and brings a skilled yet personable approach to both his commissions and long-term projects. Drawing on his documentary background to produce compelling yet authentic photographs, Jon shoots commercial lifestyle projects for advertising and branding commissions. Clients include Microsoft, Nokia, Jaeger, Neptune, Santander, Visit Wales and Halifax. Since 2007, Jon has travelled to many remote destinations around the world documenting remote communities and territories shaped by their environments and histories – from South Atlantic islands, South Pacific communities and all the way back to the local pub.

  • His empathy and curiosity to subjects shines through in images distinguished by their sense of place. Jon’s photographs have been featured internationally in publications like The New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, The Sunday Times, The Guardian and more. He continues work on his long-term projects while undertaking commercial and editorial commissions.